"The Courage To Stand Alone... Against All Odds"
"Find yourself in the wild spirit of nature."
"New Day
From the ashes of the past... a new day, a new dream, a new world."
"Strength in your soul gentleness in your heart beauty in your spirit."
"May you find joy in every moment."
"You are never given a dream... without also being given the power to make it come true."
"We can only be... what we give ourselves the power to be."
"A friend loveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17"
"May your heart be free and your dreams... live forever."
"Play in the warmth of the sun, dance in the light of the moon, dream in the glow of the stars."
"At the heart of everything... is love."
Standing tall beside the great & ancient one."
"Sometimes I'm by myself... but I'm never a loon."
"Because nature is beautiful it is worth knowing... because nature is worth knowing... life is worth living. -Jules Poincare"
"Vision, dedication, determination, make your dreams real."