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Dear Adopted Child... - DreamKeeper Print

Dear Adopted Child... - DreamKeeper Print
Product # DK7035M
Price: $ 11.99
Matting & Framing

"Dear Adopted Child"

"Two different lives interwoven . . . just to make yours one. Two different lives intertwined . . . When yours had just begun."

"The first one gave you life and hope. The second gave you love. The first one saw your very sweet smile. The second held you close."

"And when you ask me through your tears which am I really of . . . The answer comes not one but both two different kinds of love."

"Your life's a very special one for standing on both sides. Two hearts reach out and hold your hands with love "That Never Ends". "

Limited Edition DreamKeeper from 1993
8x10 when matted and/or framed.
(Actual image size 5x7)